COVID19 – Physiotherapy Video & Telephone Consultations

A N N O U N C E M E N T!

As you are likely aware, all gyms have now been instructed to close, which includes Martlesham leisure where we are based. This means that we will no longer be offering face to face appointments.

HOWEVER, we will instead be providing a comprehensive Physiotherapy service online via zoom calls or via telephone.

A lot of Physiotherapy management is based around advice, what to do/what not to do, and exercise prescription. We can do all of this (plus an assessment of how you move) without even being in the same room!!

If you are looking at getting your hip/back/neck etc problems sorted whilst we are in these strange and unprecedented times, then why not invest in yourself for the future and make some changes now. Get in touch to find out how we can help YOU.

*Those clients that have appointments already scheduled, we will be contacting to you directly to make mutually convenient arrangements.

Stay safe, keep moving and reach out to us, we’d love to help ?

Lyndsey and Jimmy

Posted in Uncategorised and tagged CoronavirusCOVID19physiotherapyTelehealthvideo