
From Finish Line To Fresh Start: Bouncing Back Post Half Marathon

Setting Up For Success – 5 Top Tips From Man U Physio For The New Sporting Season

Today, we have a special treat for you as we introduce Holli Finnis, a highly experienced physiotherapist who has worked with the esteemed Manchester United Football Club. With her vast expertise and insights gained from working with elite athletes, Holli is here to share her top tips on setting up for success in the upcoming…

Nutrition And Gut Health

Our gut. Not something most of us think about daily (well not specifically the gut; I spend a lot of time thinking about what food I’m next putting into my body!). But, the gut is arguably one of the most important organs in the body as its function contributes to EVERYTHING. The gut contains millions…

Tips For Marathon Runners During Taper Week

Marathon runner’s…time to taper! To those of you who have been training for a Spring Marathon…Congratulations! You have completed the weeks of big mileage in the wind and rain! You have juggled the commitments of life and a busy training schedule! You have, no doubt battled with tired legs, blisters and more. Its now time…

Pushing Your Limits: Tips For Developing Marathon Fitness

Running a marathon is a feat that requires physical and mental strength, endurance, and resilience. It’s a challenge that only a small percentage of people attempt, let alone complete. But with the right training and mindset, anyone can develop the fitness and stamina to cross the finish line. Whether you’re a seasoned runner or just…

Why You Need Regular Sports Massage When Marathon Training

You’ve got the running shoes, the training schedule and a firm eye on the prize….completing the marathon. But have you considered what might happen if you sustain an injury whilst training? And are you ensuring that you are taking good care of your body in between training runs? Marathon runners put their bodies through a…

5 Key Habits For A Healthier Lifestyle: Tips For Success

What does a healthy lifestyle look like? A healthy lifestyle is made up of lots of small, daily habits that over the course of a week, a month and a year promote a sense of well-being both inside and out. It is doing things that nourish your body and make you feel good, not just…

Get Your Body Ski-Ready: 5 Essential Exercises For Optimal Performance On The Slopes

Are you planning a ski trip and want to make sure your body is ready for the slopes? We spend months prepping our skis, gathering our gear, and checking the snow cams crossing fingers for fresh snow. But how long do we take to prepare our bodies, to make sure we get the most out…

3 Ways To Sleep Better

Do you dread the clock approaching 9, 10 or 11pm as your bedtime approaches? And still find yourself watching it at midnight or 1am? Or do you often wake up feeling like you haven’t slept, or that “just another hour” would sort you out? Sleep (or lack thereof) is a huge problem for many people,…

How To Cure Neck Pain Fast

Do you wake up with a stiff neck, regularly get annoying headaches after using your computer, or need to rely on painkillers more than you’d like to ease your neck pain? If so, this blog gives some simple, but powerful advice on how to cure neck pain fast! Why Do I Have Neck Pain? Neck…

How To Relieve Neck Pain Without Painkillers

Our physiotherapy team regularly treat people struggling with neck pain who are confused why it won’t go away, and why it’s getting worse. If this sounds like you, then I imagine that you are desperate to learn how to relieve neck pain without painkillers, and this blog contains 5 simple tips that you can follow…

Can Sports Massage Help Knee Pain

“Can sports massage help knee pain?” This was a question asked by one of our newest patients during their initial assessment, and we know that it’s something that a lot of people may be wondering about. If you’re suffering from knee pain, it can really have a big impact on your life but can sports…