Sports Physiotherapy

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A lot of people think that when they have a sports injury, a few days rest will resolve the issue. Yet when they start again, they feel held back, limited and just can’t push themselves past it. Pain may feel worse no matter how long they rest it and they eventually stop trying, resulting in frustration and anxiety.

Accidents can happen in sport, always unexpectedly and often untimely. Sports injuries can occur from a sudden twist, movement or collision (acute), or may be something that has come on gradually and just ‘won’t go away’ (chronic).

At Alpha Physiotherapy, you have access to leading Sports Physiotherapy with proven track records in accurate diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation that returns you to your sport and more importantly keeps you injury free. We work closely with Martlesham leisure and have access to all the gym facilities to utilise as part of your treatment and rehabilitation.

For further information on what we treat, please see below for a small selection, or get in touch with us for a free telephone consultation to see if we can meet your needs.

Common Types Of Injuries:

This is not an exhaustive list; if you don’t see your problem there, or if you are not sure whether Physiotherapy is the right thing for you, please get in touch.
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Ask Yourself...

Want Help To Decide If Physio Is Right For You?

Free Taster Session*

We realised that some people may be unsure whether Physio is right for them. It could be that you’re not sure it will work, or whether we can help your specific problem, or maybe you’ve had a bad experience in the past.? If this sounds like you and you would like to come in and see for yourself how Alpha Physiotherapy can help you, please fill out the short form below and tell us more about you so we can answer your questions.

Talk To A Physio First

If you are not quite ready to go ahead and book an appointment with a Physio right now – you may have some questions that need answering and think it would be good to talk someone first to be sure we can help you – please click the button below and fill out the short form to schedule a call. One of our Physios will answer all the questions you have over the phone completely for free.
*Note: there is no treatment given at one of our taster sessions. It’s for you to ask us more questions and for us to confirm whether or not we think we can help you.