Can Sports Massage Help Knee Pain

“Can sports massage help knee pain?”

This was a question asked by one of our newest patients during their initial assessment, and we know that it’s something that a lot of people may be wondering about.

If you’re suffering from knee pain, it can really have a big impact on your life but can sports massage help knee pain?

For some people, it stops them from their favourite hobbies, like golf with their friends, weekend walks with their partner and the dogs, or cycling with their grandchildren, knee pain can leave them frustrated and isolated from those they love.

For some people, it’s just a constant ache that you have to put up with in your daily life when shopping at the supermarket, driving on the school run, or keeping on top of the housework, knee pain can leave them reaching for painkillers and worrying about the possibility of surgery.

Whatever your situation, our team understand how debilitating knee pain can be, and how you are desperate for a solution.

In this blog, we cover this topic so you know whether sports massage can help knee pain.

What Type Of Knee Pain Would Sports Massage Help?

There can be a variety of knee pain symptoms, ranging from mild, constant aches, uncomfortable swelling and discomfort in your knee, or a sharp pain when you straighten or bend your knee.

Sports massage can be a very powerful treatment to end nearly all types of knee pain without the risks of surgery, injections or the side effects of medication.

Is Sports Massage Safe For Knee Pain?

With all treatments, there may be some people who are not suitable due to certain conditions, and that’s why it is important to speak to expert health care professionals like our team who can accurately diagnose the cause of your knee pain and provide a tailored treatment plan that’s safe for you.

As an example, sports massage may not be safe for people with pre-existing high blood pressure, osteoporosis, or varicose veins.

If you are unsure whether sports massage is suitable for you, arrange an assessment with our team who can discuss your specific situation, and finally help you understand the root cause of your pain, and the fastest and most effective way to get long term knee pain relief.

Can Sports Massage Help Knee Pain Caused By Arthritis?

Arthritis is a common condition that typically affects people in later life where the cartilage cushions that allows you to move freely and without pain begins to degenerate. The bad news is that there is no cure, however there are certainly things that can be done to reduce symptoms and we are proud to have been able to help people across Ipswich minimise knee pain caused by arthritis.

If you have knee pain caused by arthritis, sports massage can indirectly reduce knee pain, and improvement your ability to move freely by keeping the surrounding muscles flexible and healthy.

What Are The Benefits Of Sports Massage For Knee Pain?

Sports massage can be a fantastic form of natural pain relief and treatment that can give long term reduction (or entire elimination) of knee pain.

Unfortunately, we know from our patients that this isn’t usually the first port of call when you visit your GP – the common solution given is to rest, take painkillers, and come back in 6 weeks if it hasn’t improved.

But what if you don’t want to rely on painkillers because you are worried about the side effects, or you are like the vast majority of people who need more than just rest to end knee pain.

That’s where sports massage can help knee pain, and may be the perfect, drug-free solution you’ve been wishing for.

How Does Sports Massage Help Knee Pain?

Sports massage can help knee pain by increasing blood flow to the area, improve circulation, reduce swelling and ease pain and stiffness. Sports massage can also help improve the tone and flexibility of the muscles that support and provide stability to the affected knee.

Find Out More About Sports Massage

To find out more about sports massage, you can enquire about cost and availability by completing our simple online form (it takes less than a minute).

If you aren’t sure whether sports massage is right for you, and you would prefer to speak to a member of our friendly team on a 1-1 basis, we offer a limited number of taster physiotherapy consultations each week. Due to high demand, these fill up quickly, so arrange your free taster consultation now or call us on 01473 561060.