Physical Symptoms Of Stress And Anxiety

Stress is often a misunderstood term which many people will pass off as ‘just an emotion’ or a state of mind. However, the physical symptoms of stress and anxiety are not to be underestimated!

Emotions are created and mediated by physical chemicals in our bodies, where real life processes are carried out within our brains and bodies to create the mood we feel. This then creates a change on our bodies and leads to the physical symptoms of stress and anxiety that you may be struggling with right now.

The stress hormone, cortisol, is released into our bodies if we initiate a ‘flight or fight’ response due to a situation occurring in our lives that our brains perceive as dangerous or fearful. It is designed to prepare you to act quickly. This will lead to physical symptoms such as: increase in heart rate, increased breathing rate and increased production of glucose in the liver. These changes occur to increase the bodies energy to deal with the stressful situation. It is a primitive mechanism, adapted for us to run faster and for longer away from predators such as sabre tooth tigers or during hunting to catch our next meal.

Nowadays we may face stress and anxiety due to financial burdens or stressful working environments!

So, a little stress now and again is our body’s way of prepping us and can be helpful if mediated and controlled.


When this stress response is continually stimulated long term, it can create many serious physical symptoms such as chronic pain and health issues like type 2 diabetes!

With consistent exposure to stress our bodies adapt, creating an altered stress response. The system that regulates cortisol levels in the body becomes hypersensitive (overly sensitive) resulting in excessive cortisol exposure. This excess release of cortisol can affect many of our body’s systems:

Physical Symptoms Of Stress And Anxiety On Our Muscular System

With a sudden stimulus of stress and anxiety, perhaps at the thought of an important meeting at work or a disagreement with a family member, our muscles may tense up all at once and then relax once the stress is gone.

With chronic stress our muscles can become constantly on guard, creating taut and tight muscles. A common area for stress-related muscle tension is in the neck, shoulders and upper back as during stressful times, people tend to raise and hunch over their shoulders. This may lead to other conditions in the body such as tension type headaches or lower back pain.

Physical Symptoms Of Stress And Anxiety On Our Digestive System

Under normal circumstances, cortisol counterbalances the effect of insulin, a hormone your pancreas makes to regulate your blood sugar. Cortisol raises blood sugar by releasing stored glucose, while insulin lowers blood sugar.

Continued increase of glucose can overload the body and it cannot deal with the surge of extra sugar. This may lead to an increased risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

You are also more likely to have stomach acid, leading to heart burn or acid reflux.

Physical Symptoms Of Stress And Anxiety On Our Cardiovascular And Respiratory System

Another physical symptom of stress and anxiety is that our heart rate increases which makes our blood pump faster round the body to deliver more oxygen to the muscles. If we consistently expose our body to stress, we make our hearts work too hard for too long, resulting in raised blood pressure and increase risk of strokes and heart attacks.

There are many other effects stress and anxiety has on the body such as helping control your sleep-wake cycle, suppressing inflammation and regulating metabolism (how your body uses fats, proteins and carbohydrates for energy).

Tips For Reduce Stress And Anxiety To Avoid Health Problems

Reduce Physical Symptoms Of Stress And Anxiety Through Massage Therapy

A great way to reduce stress and anxiety is through regular massage therapy which can help reduce the physical symptoms (such as easing tight muscles) and stimulate the parasympathetic nervous system (the one that slows your heart rate). Regularly treating your muscles to massage therapy will help keep tense muscles at bay if you’re prone to holding stress in them.

Reduce Physical Symptoms Of Stress And Anxiety Through Box Breathing

Another simple way to reduce stress and anxiety is through calming breathing techniques such as box breathing.

To try box breathing:

  1. Take deep breath in through your nose for 4 seconds letting the air fill your belly and lungs
  2. Hold the breath for 4 seconds
  3. Breath our through your mouth for 4 seconds
  4. Hold empty breath for 4 seconds
  5. Repeat 4 times

Reduce Physical Symptoms Of Stress And Anxiety Through Exercise

Consistently staying active is a powerful way to reduce stress and anxiety due to the release of happy hormones (endorphins). If you don’t like running, or going to the gym, then don’t force yourself. Instead, try and find a sport or hobbies that keeps you moving (such as swimming or dancing).

Reduce Physical Symptoms Of Stress And Anxiety Through A Healthy Diet

Add more foods into your diet that reduce inflammation in the body. These will be natural unprocessed foods, avoiding processed foods high in refined sugar that kick start inflammatory response in the digestive system. Focus on key nutrients that support the adrenal glade (gland responsible for cortisol release and mediation).

  • Magnesium: Reduces in times of stress. A deficiency can lead to fatigue and insomnia, predisposing one to stress.
  • B vitamins: Support adrenal function.

The key message here is to NOT stress about stress. Start little and make small changes in your lifestyle that will eventually make a bigger difference!

How Do I Find Out More About Massage Therapy?

If you are feeling stressed out and wondering whether massage therapy would be a good way to ease muscle tension, and relieve aches and pains, our team are here to help.

We can answer any questions that you have, and give you more information so you can decide for yourself whether sports massage is right for you.

To find out more our massage therapy service, head over to our contact page and send us a message to find out more and check availability, or arrange a free taster session or telephone consultation.

Other Great Resources To Ease Pain

We have several free, downloadable reports to help you relieve Back PainKnee Pain and Neck & Shoulder Pain.

We also have fantastic blogs where we share expert advice on Why You Need A Sports Massage and Self Care – What You Really Need To Be Doing

Finally, don’t forget to check out our YouTube channelFacebook page and Instagram page.