Shoulder Pain

Do You Want To Beat Neck Pain And Stop It From Disturbing Sleep, Work And Leisure?”
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Don’t sacrifice the lifestyle you desire or the activities you love over problems that can be fixed. Learn 9 top tips you can do RIGHT NOW that will start you on your road to recovery!

Shoulder Pain Relief at Alpha Physiotherapy

If you’re currently suffering from shoulder pain, it is tempting to think that your symptoms will resolve on their own with a bit of rest. However, you find yourself using your “good arm” more, which in turn affects your upper back and neck…

You might have fallen on your arm or twinged it when lifting something heavy. Or it might be that you’ve woken up with pain and now can hardly get yourself dressed!

Rest assured that you are not alone. In fact, shoulder pain is one of the most common problems that we see in our Physiotherapy clinic in Martlesham, Ipswich. Countless clients visit us each week with similar frustrations. 

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Is This You?

1. You Waited For The Pain To Go Away, Resting It

Yet the pain has not gone and you are stiffer, less mobile, and certainly less happy.

2. You Visited The GP To Be Prescribed Painkillers & Anti-Inflammatories

Yet once they wore off, the pain returned, and it is now affecting your overall health and making you feel low in mood.

3. You’ve Stopped Doing Your Normal Activities

Yet it is still not getting better, and now you are weaker and stiffer than you were before.

4. You’ve waited on the NHS list for Physio

Only to be given a sheet of exercises and no hands on treatment at all

5. You’ve been told that it’s “your age” and it’s normal to get aches and pains

And you’ve accepted it because it’s just “part of life”

6. You Tried A Few Exercises From YouTube

But they have not helped, and you are not sure that you are doing the right exercises for your problem.

How Can Seeing A Physiotherapist At Alpha Physiotherapy Help You Get Rid Of Your Shoulder Pain In The Next Few Days?

Who We Can Help

A Small Selection of Shoulder Conditions We Can Treat:

This list is not exhaustive; please contact us to find out how we can help you.