Why You Need Regular Sports Massage When Marathon Training

You’ve got the running shoes, the training schedule and a firm eye on the prize….completing the marathon.

But have you considered what might happen if you sustain an injury whilst training? And are you ensuring that you are taking good care of your body in between training runs?

Marathon runners put their bodies through a lot of stress during their training and races. Regular sports massages can provide a number of benefits that can help to improve their overall performance and reduce the risk of injury.

Here are some of the reasons why you should consider regular sports massages:

Why Marathon Runners Need A Sports Massage #1 – Relieves Muscle Tension

During training and racing, runners can experience a lot of muscle tension and soreness. We often hear this in our clinic when it comes to this type of soreness:

“I start running and I am sore – yet after a few miles it eases up a little”

“But it just gets worse in the last few miles”

Sports massages can help to release this tension and relieve soreness by improving blood flow to the muscles, reducing muscle tightness, and breaking up any adhesions or knots. This allows your joints to have the right type of movements and loading patterns that allow you to have a smooth and efficient pain free running style.

Why Marathon Runners Need A Sports Massage #2 – Improve Range Of Motion

Running long distances can cause the muscles and joints to become stiff and tight.

And lets me honest – how many of you really stretch after those long runs.

Sports massages can help to improve range of motion by increasing flexibility, reducing muscle tension, and improving joint mobility.

There is a saying we use: “Joints Act, Muscles React”

Gain flexibility in your joints and the muscles get well looked after.

Why Marathon Runners Need A Sports Massage #3 – Reduce The Risk Of Injury

Sports massages can help to identify any areas of the body that are particularly prone to injury, such as the hamstrings, IT band, and calves. By working on these areas regularly, sports massages can help to prevent injuries from occurring.

Why Marathon Runners Need A Sports Massage #4 – Speed Up Recovery

Vital in those later stages of training when the mileages really start to creep up.

After a long training run or race, sports massages can help to speed up recovery by reducing inflammation, improving circulation, and flushing out any toxins or waste products in the muscles.

Why Marathon Runners Need A Sports Massage #5 – Promote Relaxation

Marathon running can be mentally and physically taxing. Sports massages can help to promote relaxation and reduce stress by releasing endorphins, the body’s natural painkillers.

How Often Should You Receive A Sports Massage When Training?

The general recommendation is to have a sports massage every 1-2 weeks to keep your muscles loose and limber, reduce muscle soreness and tension, and prevent injuries.

However, it’s important to listen to your body and adjust the frequency of massages as needed. If you’re feeling particularly sore or stiff, you may benefit from more frequent massages.

It’s also important to communicate with your massage therapist and let them know about any specific areas of concern or discomfort you may be experiencing. This can help them tailor the massage to your individual needs and provide the most benefit.

The key to have sports massages when training for a marathon is to have them regularly. Having the odd one sporadically will of course provide some benefit and relief of symptoms, but having them more frequently will help prevent issues from occurring and keep the tissues in good condition throughout your training.

So what are you waiting for? The sooner you get started, the sooner you’ll start to feel great!

Find Out More About Sports Massage

To find out more about sports massage, you can enquire about cost and availability by completing our simple online form (it takes less than a minute).

You can also BOOK ONLINE or call us on 01473 561060 to get your first massage booked in.

If you aren’t sure whether sports massage is right for you, and you would prefer to speak to a member of our friendly team on a 1-1 basis, we offer a limited number of taster physiotherapy consultations each week. Due to high demand, these fill up quickly, so arrange your free taster consultation now or call us on 01473 561060.

Other Great Resources To Ease Pain 

We have several free, downloadable reports to help you relieve Back PainKnee Pain and Neck & Shoulder Pain

We also have fantastic blogs where we share expert advice such as Why You Need A Sports Massage  

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