From Finish Line To Fresh Start: Bouncing Back Post Half Marathon

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Firstly, congratulations to all of you for successfully completing the Ipswich Half Marathon on Sunday. Completing 13.1 miles in slightly muggy conditions and with THAT hill in the middle is a fantastic achievement, well done!

We at Alpha Physiotherapy had the pleasure of treating and chatting to over 100 of you post-race and WOW you guys are incredible. From the winner who completed the course in 1hr 3mins, to the couple who raised over £750 for charity, we heard some great stories. We heard some of you collected PB’s, some of you were running back from having babies (or twins!) or from injuries. Some of you were happy to collect your medal after a long summer of training and some of you entered on the day! When listening to you it really struck me that running really is for everyone and the running community is a great thing to be involved with.

So that got me thinking…what’s next for these runners? Things may or may not have gone to plan on Sunday but whatever the outcome you still have the medal around your neck and the miles in your legs. So here are our top tips on how to build on this success and come back running stronger.


Your body will be busily repairing after the stress of all those miles. Give your body the boost it needs by eating plenty of protein over the next couple of weeks. Foods like chicken, salmon, eggs and nuts are all protein rich options that give the body the nutrients it needs to repair.

Next, you don’t have to fully rest after a half marathon (unless you want to). Keeping the weekly mileage in your training is a great idea but its also wise to reduce the intensity whilst in recovery. Its all about those easy runs for the first 10-14 days.

Also, consider a massage! I know many of you felt the benefit of seeing us post-race, imagine what a hour massage could do! Maybe take us up on our special offer of 10% off for all those who ran the Ipswich half marathon. 


Our body’s love consistency so if you really want it to adapt and improve you have to keep the goal posts moving and this means doing something different. This could be adding an interval session to your training. Changing speed within your running session e.g. 4 mins hard 2 mins easy for your normal distance. Or maybe add a hill session every 2-3 weeks (yes we all groan at the thought but your future running self will thank you).


Maybe that little niggle you felt in training prevented you from achieving the time you hoped for or maybe all those miles have taken their toll on your joints and muscles. Either way you will be pleased to know the majority of running related injuries do not require you to stop running in order to get better. In fact we prefer to keep you running whilst addressing the route cause of your injury. Let us help you run better, faster and most importantly pain free!


Stronger legs means you put more force into the ground with each step making you more efficient and faster. Stronger arms and trunk improve your forward driving motion. It will also reduce your risk of running related injuries. Lifting weights even just once a week can have a huge impact on performance so give it a try. And if you don’t know what to do or how to do it, just ask. We love to screen runners and create a strength program to address their individual needs.


With the days drawing in and feeling cooler it can be tempting to leave the running until Spring. But an autumn half marathon is the perfect springboard into winter training. Keep yourself committed by booking another race. Maybe a winter trail run or a spring half marathon calls? What ever you choose we can’t wait to hear about it.

So completing the Ipswich Half Marathon was a remarkable accomplishment for all of you, and we commend your dedication and hard work. Your stories of triumph over challenges, whether they were personal goals, charity fundraising, or overcoming obstacles, have truly inspired us. The running community is a powerful and inclusive place, and it’s a privilege to be a part of it.

Take these 5 key tips – and lets build on this success and come back running stronger.

Claire Reach – Specialist Running Physiotherapist

Other Great Resources To Ease Pain 

We have several free, downloadable reports to help you relieve Back Pain, Knee Pain and Neck & Shoulder Pain

We also have fantastic blogs where we share expert advice such as

Why You Need A Sports Massage 

Tips For Marathon Runners During Taper Week

Pushing Your Limits: Tips For Developing Marathon Fitness

Why You Need Regular Sports Massage When Marathon Training

Finally, don’t forget to check out our YouTube channel, Facebook page and Instagram page